Tuesday 30 August 2011

Thing are getting so hard

Hi again, so last night I spoke to my ex. Everything was great till she told me I have not changed and that i never loved her... I have never felt this hurt I'm still in love with her and I know that she won't ever take me back....I hate being alone and I have lost such big part of me and I am finding it so hard to carry on nothing seems to be the same anymore. My life has spun into a world of regret embarrassment, selfhate and so much disappointment. I am doing my best to hide it from everyone but I'm sure it's starting to show. I have gone from being outgoing, positive and very motivate now I'm quite I say very little and seem to just go through the motions of things. When I need to tAlk to some one everyone is busy. I don't know what to do it's really getting to be to much